Privacy Practices
Notice of Privacy Practices THIS NOTICE OF HIPAA PRIVACY PRACTICES, TOGETHER WITH THE REGIONAL JOINT NOTICES OF HIPAA PRIVACY PRACTICES (“Notice”) DESCRIBES HOW YOUR HEALTH INFORMATION MAY BE USED AND DISCLOSED BY ORTEGA WELLNESS, AND IF APPLICABLE, BY OUR OTHERS PARTNER (DEFINED BELOW) AND HOW YOU CAN GET ACCESS TO THIS INFORMATION. PLEASE REVIEW THE NOTICE CAREFULLY. Under HIPAA, Ortega Wellness must take steps to protect the privacy of your "Protected Health Information" (“PHI”). PHI includes information that we have created or received regarding your health or payment for your health. It includes both your medical records and personal information such as your name, social security number, financial information, address, and phone number. Under federal law, we are required to: Protect the privacy of your PHI. All of our employees and providers are required to maintain the confidentiality of PHI and receive appropriate privacy training Provide you with this Notice of Privacy Practices explaining our duties and practices regarding your PHI Notify you in the case of a breach of unsecured PHI Ortega Wellness’ use and disclose PHI in a number of ways connected to your treatment, payment for your care, and our healthcare operations. Some examples of how we may use or disclose your PHI without your authorization are listed below. TREATMENT To our physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, and others involved in your healthcare or preventive healthcare. To our affiliate partners to coordinate treatment-related activities, such as prescriptions, lab work, and X-rays. To other healthcare providers treating you who are not on our staff such as dentists, emergency room staff, specialists and other providers. For example (and without limitation), if you are being treated for an injured knee, we may share your PHI among your primary care provider, the knee specialist, and your physical therapist, among others, so they can provide proper care. PAYMENT To administer your health benefits policy or contract. To bill you for healthcare we provide. To pay others who provided care to you. To other organizations and providers for payment activities, unless disclosure is prohibited by law. HEALTHCARE OPERATIONS To administer and support our business activities or those of other healthcare organizations (as allowed by law), including providers and plans. For example (and without limitation), we may use your PHI to conduct quality analysis, data aggregation, review and improve our services and the care you receive and to provide training. To other individuals (such as consultants and attorneys) and other companies and organizations that help us with our business activities. (Note: If we share your PHI with other organizations for this purpose, they must agree to protect your privacy.) OTHER We may use or disclose your PHI without your authorization for legal and/or governmental purposes in the following circumstances: As required by law - When we are required by laws, including workers' compensation laws. Public health and safety - To an authorized public health authority or individual to: Protect public health and safety. Prevent or control disease, injury, or disability. Report vital statistics such as births or deaths. Investigate or track problems with prescription drugs and medical devices. Abuse or neglect - To government entities authorized to receive reports regarding abuse, neglect, or domestic violence. Minors - In general, parents and legal guardians are legal representatives of minor patients. However, in certain circumstances, as dictated by state law, minors can act on their own behalf and consent to their own treatment. In general, we will share the PHI of a patient who is a minor with the minor’s parents or guardians, unless the minor could have consented to the care themselves (except where parental disclosure may be required per applicable law). Oversight agencies - To health oversight agencies for certain activities such as audits, examinations, investigations, inspections, and licensures. Legal proceedings - In the course of any legal proceeding or in response to an order of a court or administrative agency and in response to a subpoena, discovery request, or other lawful process. Law enforcement - To law enforcement officials in certain circumstances for law enforcement purposes. By way of example and without limitation, disclosures may be made to identify or locate a suspect, witness, or missing person; to report a crime; or to provide information concerning victims of crimes. Health Information Exchanges - We may participate in health information exchanges (HIEs) and may electronically share your medical information for treatment, payment and healthcare operations purposes with other participants in the HIEs. HIEs allow us, and your other healthcare providers and organizations, to efficiently share and better use information necessary for your treatment and other lawful purposes. In some states, the inclusion of your medical information in an HIE is voluntary and subject to your right to opt-in or opt-out; if you choose to opt-in or not to opt-out, we may provide your medical information in accordance with applicable law to the HIEs in which we participate. Financial information - We may ask you about income or other financial information to determine if you may qualify for a low income waiver of the membership fee or other services where applicable. We may use this information for operations, marketing, and administrative purposes and to improve our service offerings. Research - We may disclose health information about you for research purposes, subject to the confidentiality provisions of state and federal law. In most cases, we will ask for your written authorization before using your PHI or sharing it with others in order to conduct research. However, under some circumstances, we may use and disclose your PHI without your written authorization if an Institutional Review Board (IRB), applying specific criteria, determines that the particular research protocol poses minimal risk to your privacy. Under no circumstances, however, would we allow researchers to use your name or identity publicly without your authorization. We may release your PHI without your written authorization to people who are preparing a future research project as long as any information identifying you does not leave One Medical. Enrollment in a research study is completely voluntary, will not affect your treatment or welfare, and your PHI will continue to be protected. Military activity and national security - To the military and to authorized federal officials for national security and intelligence purposes, to the Department of Veterans Affairs as required by military authorities, or in connection with providing protective services to the President of the United States. We may also use or disclose your PHI without your authorization in the following miscellaneous circumstances: Contacting you directly - We may use your PHI, including your email address or phone number, to contact you. For example, we may also use this information to send you appointment reminders and other communications relating to your care and treatment, or let you know about treatment alternatives or other health related services or benefits that may be of interest to you, via email, phone call, or text message. Your patient account - We may make certain PHI, such as information about care or treatment, appointment histories and medication records, accessible to you through online tools, such as email or Patient Fusion. Family and friends - To a member of your family, a relative, a close friend—or any other person you identify who is directly involved in your healthcare—when you are either not present or unable to make a healthcare decision for yourself and we determine that disclosure is in your best interest. We will also assume that we may disclose PHI to any person you permit to be physically present with you as we discuss your PHI with you. Unless you notify us that you object, your name, location within our facility, and general information about your health condition may be disclosed to people who ask for you by name. In the lobby of our office - When you join us in our office, we may call your name aloud in the waiting area. If you do not wish to have your name called aloud, please tell the front desk admin and we will make adjustments to meet your request. Treatment alternatives and plan description - To communicate with you about treatment services, options, or alternatives, as well as health-related benefits or services that may be of interest to you, or to describe our health plan and providers to you. De-identified information - If information is removed from your PHI so that you can’t be identified, except as prohibited by law. Coroners, funeral directors, and organ donation - To coroners, funeral directors, and organ donation organizations as authorized by law. Disaster relief - To an authorized public or private entity for disaster relief purposes. For example, we might disclose your PHI to help notify family members of your location or general condition. Threat to health or safety - To avoid a serious threat to the health or safety of yourself and others. Follow the practices and procedures set forth in this Notice Ortega Wellness’ use and disclose PHI in a number of ways connected to your treatment, payment for your care, and our healthcare operations. Some examples of how we may use or disclose your PHI without your authorization are listed below. Except in the situations listed in the sections above, we will use and disclose your PHI only with your written authorization. This means we will not use your PHI in the following cases, unless you give us written permission: Marketing purposes, except as allowed by HIPAA or applicable law (by way of example, marketing communications allowed by HIPAA without authorization include communications pertaining to care or treatment and/or our products or services.) Sale of your information. Sharing your PHI with your employer or school. In some situations, federal and state laws provide special protections for specific kinds of PHI and require authorization from you before we can disclose that specially protected PHI. For example, additional protections may apply in some states to genetic, mental health, drug and alcohol abuse, rape and sexual assault, sexually transmitted disease and/or HIV/AIDS-related information, and/or to the use of your PHI in certain review and disciplinary proceedings of healthcare professionals by state authorities. In these situations, we will comply with the more stringent state laws pertaining to such use or disclosure. You have the right to: Request restrictions by asking that we limit the way we use or disclose your PHI for treatment, payment, or healthcare operations. You may also ask that we limit the information we give to someone who is involved in your care, such as a family or friend. Please note that we are not required to agree to your request, except when a restriction has been requested regarding a disclosure to a health plan in situations where the patient has paid for services in full and where the purpose of the disclosure is for payment. If we do agree, we will honor your limits unless it is an emergency situation. Ask that we communicate with you by another means. For example, if you want us to communicate with you at a different address, we can usually accommodate that request. We may ask that you make your request to us in writing. We will agree to reasonable requests. Request to access or receive an electronic or paper copy of your PHI. Ask to amend PHI we created that you feel is incorrect or incomplete. To request an amendment to your PHI that you believe is inaccurate or incomplete with a written request. Choose someone to act for you. If you have given someone medical power of attorney or if someone is your legal guardian, that person can exercise your rights and make choices about your health information. We will confirm the person has the authority and can act for you before we take any action. Request a paper copy of this Notice. Receive written notification of any breach of your unsecured PHI. File a complaint if you believe your privacy rights have been violated. You can file a written complaint with us. We will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint. Communication Platforms We may also use PHI to send you appointment reminders and other communications relating to your care and treatment, or let you know about treatment alternatives or other health related services or benefits that may be of interest to you, via email, phone call, or text message. If you choose to communicate with us via emails, texts or chats, you acknowledge that we may exchange PHI with you via email, text or chat, that email, text and certain chat functionality may not be a secure method of communication, and that you agree to the security risks of such communication. No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All the above categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.